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monkeypatch utilities

function patch_into

function pyromod.utils.patch_into(target_class)

The pyromod.utils.patch_into decorator is a function used to facilitate monkeypatching of pyrogram classes with custom methods from pyromod.


target_classTypeThe target class or Pyrogram class to which you want to apply the patch.


A decorated class containing the patched methods. Each replaced method is now available prefixed with old in the decorated class (e.g. __init__ becomes old__init__).

function should_patch

function pyromod.utils.should_patch(func)

The pyromod.utils.should_patch decorator is a function used to specify that a method should be patched into a target class. It marks a method as patchable, indicating that it should be considered for monkeypatching by pyromod.utils.patch_into. This decorator is used in conjunction with the pyromod.utils.patch_into decorator.


funcTypeThe method to be marked as patchable.


The same method with the should_patch attribute set to True.