Awaiting a single message from a specific chat
response = await client.listen(chat_id=chat_id)
Awaiting a single message from a specific user in a specific chat
response = await client.listen(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id)
Asking the user a question then await for the response
response = await client.ask(chat_id=chat_id, text='What is your name?')
Asking the user a question then await for the response, with a timeout
response = await client.ask(chat_id=chat_id, text='What is your name?', timeout=10)
except ListenerTimeout:
await message.reply('You took too long to answer.')
Full handler example, getting user's name and age with bound method Chat.ask
from pyromod import Client, Message
from pyrogram import filters
async def on_form(client: Client, message: Message):
chat = message.chat
name = await chat.ask('What is your name?', filters=filters.text)
age = await chat.ask('What is your age?', filters=filters.text)
await message.reply(f'Your name is {name.text} and you are {age.text} years old.')
Easier inline keyboard creation
from pyromod.helpers import ikb
keyboard = ikb([
[('Button 1', 'callback_data_1'), ('Button 2', 'callback_data_2')],
[('Another button', 't.me/pyromodchat', 'url')]